Find a sub from the list and let jeni know (at least a week before please!)
If you NEED TO TAKE leave longer than 2 weeks please email Jeni to discuss
Codes as follows:
AL - all levels
C&R - core
S&R - stretch & release
R- restorative
Y- Yin
F- Flow
N - Nidra
P - Pranayama
B- Barre
MY - Myofascial
PO - Power
PN - Prenatal
Georgine Stevenson-Aho - [email protected], 778- 808-6146, AL, S&R, R, Y, F, N, B, C&R
Sandy Wu- 604-368-7986 - [email protected] AL, S&R, R, Y, F, N
Alannah Copetti - (604) 968 1432 - [email protected] , AL, R, F, Y
Jeni Bond - [email protected] (8hrs+ time difference) - AL, S&R, R, Y, F, N
Ily Ponce - [email protected] - 672-515-9128, AL, S&R, Meditation
Melanie Hilborn - 778 322 4730 email: [email protected] AL, F, Y
Natalia Ria - [email protected] - 416-910-7310, AL, F, Y, R, S&R (check with Jeni first for S&R)
Moritz Kuebler - +9 hr time difference - Al, F, Y, R - [email protected] +491778090800
Jessica Wampler, [email protected], R, AL, F, N
Kayla Kazda, [email protected], F, AL
Sara Innocenzi (9 hrs ahead) [email protected], AL, F, Y, R. M, P
Raque Weze (Houston) AL, F, P, Y M, PO, M, PN