Jacob began his training in Qigong and the world of energetic arts in 1982, studying with Grandmaster Tchoung Ta-tchen and Dr Danica Beggs in Vancouver, BC. Since then, he has worked with western astrology, hermetics, ceremonial magic, I-ching, herbalism, organic farming, Castenada shamanism, Discordianism, acupressure, TCM and other systems.
He has studied Medical Qigong with the International Institute of Medical Qigong and Shamanistic Qigong with the Empty Mountain Institute.
He is currently enrolled at the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Vancouver, BC, studying acupuncture and herbalism, which he finds to be a perfect fit with Qi Gong.His classes focus on improving the health of your physical body by opening up your awareness of your energetic body (your Qi body), improving your skill at working with Qi and increasing your vitality and sense of wonder.